A Full Life by Sean Finnegan
No one can say I didn’t give it my all
For good and for bad, I answered the call
Maximums were pushed and stresses were strained
Advances were made and losses were gained
A career full of highs and not without lows
Supported my family as it flourished and still grows
Prayed with Saints and Drank with sinners
Befriended the famous at celebrity dinners
Traveled the world and saw the sights
Witnessed history and blew out the lights
Forgave and forgot and wished you well
Pray you did the same for me and Mel
I hurt, I bled, I broke, I cried
I laughed, I cheered, I won, I tried
Gave my life to Christ and regret more were not aware
Of the eternal change in my life, of the cross that I bear
Love my family more than I can give
My soul for their joyful lives to live